6 Spring Cleaning Tips For Allergy Sufferers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vel varius orci. Quisque malesuada iaculis lorem. Proin ut massa et sem gravida egestas. Quisque diam tortor, tempor a sollicitudin non, egestas sit amet libero. Maecenas ultrices ac eros a eleifend. Sed nec cursus leo, id faucibus felis. Quisque ultricies fermentum magna sit amet molestie. Pellentesque ultricies sem ac ante tristique, non gravida risus consequat. Sed gravida turpis sed eros viverra, sit amet posuere tellus tempor. Suspendisse potenti.

Praesent lobortis ultrices justo ut tincidunt. Nulla vel vulputate ex. Nunc faucibus diam diam. Proin iaculis convallis libero quis feugiat. Donec maximus accumsan viverra. Morbi finibus, magna sit amet efficitur auctor, enim nisi pulvinar mauris, et tempor est sapien sed ante. Nunc ultrices massa vitae dapibus blandit. Integer blandit quam et leo sodales pretium. Nunc maximus elit at leo pulvinar egestas. Aenean urna eros, dictum iaculis scelerisque in, viverra vitae libero. Sed nec ullamcorper enim. Integer maximus bibendum tellus sit amet pellentesque. Morbi pulvinar tristique turpis, sed tincidunt turpis ornare eget. Nulla elementum sem nec mauris tempor faucibus. Nulla eu blandit mauris, a eleifend felis....

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Are we saying that you shouldn’t spring clean? No (sorry); it’s actually very important. What we are saying is that when it comes to this task, there are precautions that you should be taking so that you aren’t actually making your allergies worse. Let’s look at some things that can trigger an allergy attack.

Spring Cleaning Allergy Triggers

  1. Opening windows. What is one of the first things you do when the weather gets warmer? You open the windows. Unfortunately, this is literally inviting the allergens in. To freshen up rooms while keeping the windows closed, use an air purifier or a diffuser with essential oils. If you absolutely have to open the windows, make sure the pollen count is low.
  2. Dusting. During the winter months, because people spend so much time inside, dust can build up. When you start moving things around, cleaning under, behind, between, etc., the more dust you kick up, the more your allergies will kick in. Wear a mask while cleaning and do a little at a time if your symptoms are acting up. The same goes for when you vacuum. Your best bet, allergies or not, is to purchase a vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter that you keep clean.
  3. Bringing out the spring wardrobe. If you tend to put your warm-weather clothes away for the colder seasons and do the “closet switch-out” as soon as the temperature hits 50, wash your clothes before you wear them. Over the months, dust and mold can settle in your garments, which will trigger your allergies.
  4. Letting the dogs out. You may not want to roll around in the fresh growing grass or flower garden, but Fido may, and that gives allergens a free ride in. Also, with the warmer weather, your pet will probably want to go outside more, which means that you’ll want to give him more frequent baths. To make things worse, Fido will be shedding, which adds even more dander to the mix.
  5. Removing mold. Now is the time to inspect spots, inside and out, that may be harboring mold – from your deck and patio furniture to the corners of your garage to the tiles in the bathroom. Even walls can harbor mold. So as you go big with the cleaning, don’t forget all the little corners and crevices where allergens may be hiding. Wear a mask and rubber gloves for further protection.
  6. Using cleaning products. It’s no secret that cleaning products use harsh chemicals and that many people have allergic reactions to them. Be careful with what you are using because not only will the products trigger symptoms while you’re using them, but also well after as the chemicals stick around. For a useful guide on allergy-friendly cleaning products, visit “Home Cleaning Tips for Allergy Sufferers” on the Everyday Health website.

How can you avoid a spring cleaning allergy attack?

Not sure what is causing your symptoms or looking for relief from them once and for all? Make an appointment at CT Sinus Center today and see what our expert physicians can do for you. When you come in, we’ll sit down and discuss your symptoms before we start a series of diagnostic procedures to figure out exactly what is triggering your allergies. Once we get answers, we’ll develop a treatment plan that is right for your specific lifestyle.

Now are we telling you that once you find relief you no longer have to spring clean? Again, no, sorry; but at least you will feel much more comfortable while you do it.

Call 860-BALLOON today and make your appointment at one of our four conveniently-located offices and add your sinus cavities to your cleaning list.

For more information on sinus– and allergy-related conditions and treatments, visit the CT Sinus Center website and blog.

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